Photo 11

Sue Leith



Practice Quiz – Practical - 60 points



This exercise is practice for the final exam and counts as a classroom exercise.

Read all instructions before starting.


You should be able to complete this portion in approximately 30-40 minutes.

Take many snapshots and save often


Open image :Window

Open image: Balloons.  


1.  Rotate & fix perspective – keep as much of the outside pane as possible. 

            Be careful not to distort the image too much.  10 points

2. Using any selection tool(s)s you think appropriate, select all the windowpanes and the bottom curtain. Name and save the selection.  5 points

3. Using the selection you created above, remove all colorcast from the panes and     curtain with an appropriate adjustment layer.  5 points

4.  Use another adjustment layer to make this image a custom b&w. Watch that you donŐt get any spikes in your histogram when making this adjustment.

            10 points

4. Adjust the b&w adjustment layer to allow 20% of the original color to return.

            5 points

5. Bring back full color to the windows in a checkerboard pattern – see the     overhead for clarification of which windows should have color. 

6. Lighten the curtains at the bottom. 5 points

7. Move the balloons (just the balloons, not any of the white background) into the     Window image. Be careful you donŐt have white edges (halo) around the    balloon and do not worry about color profile error messages.

            5 points

8. Resize the balloons so they are smaller and place them in the top right. Make         them look like they are floating in the sky behind the window. Make sure all          the balloons are in color! 10 points

9. Lower the intensity of the balloons so they appear more realistic. 5 points

Save as  yourname.practice.psd and drop in drop box,